Sunday, September 17, 2006

Today's paper

Let's hope this does not refer to any of you.

A British report published in today's paper. The header shouts,
"Really hung up on your mobile phone?"

"People can become very attached to their mobile phones and some may even show signs of addictive behaviour..." (Hmmm...)

Reading on, I GENERALLY agree with the research, from statements about how "mobile phones have become a very significant part of everyday life" to "90% of 18-25 year olds admitted they take them (mobiles) everywhere". (Btw, this is based from a sample survey taken from 106 Uni students.) BUT it starts getting a bit questionable when they also report that its linked to "pathological gambling" and how "7% blamed their phone for the loss of a significant relationship or job".

Geez... get a life right?

Well, its true in many ways I suppose. Mobile phones now are becoming such a huge part of everyone's life, young and old. Even among my peers, when you forget to bring your mobile with you, its likened to "feeling naked", as if something's missing. Sad but true.

I admit to feeling like that though, I mean, how can you POSSIBLY forget your mobile phone!?

Whatever your opinion is, I'm willing to bet you own a mobile phone. You may fall under the different sorts of categories, ranging from:-
1. Using it JUST for calls
2. Using it JUST for calls and texting
3. Using it in place of a certain white iconic mp3 player that's taken over the world
4. Using it in place of your regular digital camera
5. Using it as a personal organiser to keep track of your apointments and reminders.
6. Using it as a watch (??)
This is apparently becoming a trend.
7. OR, all of the above...

Face it. Embrace it. Don't lie to yourself. You need it. Its part of life.

Well, enough of that article... Before I get philosophical, which isn't my aim here. Papers nowadays are just so full of crap anyways. Especially the local ones sometimes.

No further comments on that.

ANYWAY.... back to reality. This blog's been quite refreshing I must say. Received numerous feedback on it from friends, and how to improve. But that will come in time. I hope to be able to include other links in the near future like:
- Reviews
- Downloads" (or links). For wallpapers, themes, ringtones, apps etc
- FAQ's
And in future, perhaps even offers of 2nd hand phones I hear about. There are many.

For now, its just me and my simple blog..


gilliangel said...

Hi KoDex,
So weird and fascinating at the same time to read about your interest of mobiles!

I think I fall into category#2.

Im currently looking to change my phone - the TelCo trying to con me into signing up for another 24mth contract..hmph.

Anyhow..just drizzling a hello!=)

d3xlabs said...

Hi Gee! Well, if you're ever stuck on what to get, you know who to call!