Monday, June 16, 2008

Funny - E90 gathering

Read this on a friend's blog and thought it was hilarious. I am always amused by our friends in the Land of the Rising Sun. They do the best in everything... cars, gadgets... phones....

Repeating what Eninety asked in his post, "Any translators?"

Post and video here.

Kinda makes you want to get an E90 now doesn't it? Maybe we should have "mobile gatherings" too, since we have so many "car clubs" around nowadays.
Now THAT, would be funny....


Victor John Su Ik Meow said...

Idiotic I say...
Took one to know another.

d3xlabs said...

hey vic, well, people with a passion do strange things. I would know. Just hvnt organised a E71 groupie meeting yet. LOL