Thursday, October 19, 2006

C'est la vie!

Let's think geography for a while shall we? I remember when I was in high school, there was a lesson about ox-bow lakes. How slowly, through all the erosion on the bends and edges of the moving waters, it slowly gives way and cuts right thru, making a whole new channel and leaving a little "bow" as illustrated here. I remember at that time, it was like totally useless information. Just "another dumb fact" I had to learn for the exams. Who cares about these rivers anyways! Little did I know, alot from life could be learnt from these geographical formations. (Oh no, my first philosphical point in my blog! Darn it!)

Ok, what's my point in all this mumbo jumbo? No, I'm not switching from blogging mobiles to lessons in geography...

Ok I'll say it now... I've crumbled..... Call it the unthinkable.... whatever....

I've sold my PRECIOUS.....


Its actually been a whole month of use. Yup, one month. Thats four weeks, 30 days, 720 hours, 43200 minutes and 2.592 million seconds of using it. Not bad eh? All the offers I've been receiving throughout this time.... the last one made an offer I just couldn't refuse. I had been debating it for a while already. Thinking it through... What a good deal!..... No! its your precious...... But the treo 680's coming soon...... No! you'll never find another perfect unit like it again!....... But its a good offer!......

The torment....

In the end, I made my decision. I now stand by that decision too. Painful or not, you'd understand if you were me. The buyer was thrilled needless to say. He was an owner of a totally used Nokia 8910. He told me he doesn't believe in all these fancy smancy phones that are out these days, he just likes the 8 series. He bought his 8910 when it was limited edition, so he knew this one was for him.

Sigh... its gone to a new owner who will take care of it as much as I had....

Well! Thats the way the cookie crumbles as they say! Righto! Time to move on in life.... time to forget about the PRECIOUS. (We'll meet again.... one day.....) For now, its time to look ahead into the sunrise and not dwell too much on the past. *egad! Another discreet philosophical point! In the same post too!*. I KNOW I'm gonna get crap from me mates about this post soon, but its ok. Most of em have come to an understanding, an acceptance if you like about my love-hate relationship with phones. C'est la vie!

Moving on... At work, a couple of friends have purchased the new SE w850 (as I blogged before). This time round, having been able to play with them and go through the whole layout and features.... I've reached my conclusion: -
- Its like the SE k800 in terms of usage, just minus the amazing camera.
- Walkman's cool, with the new flashing lights that light up according to the music you play.

In all honesty though, I wouldn't get it. Its like the w810i, just in a slider form factor. The w810 has a better camera too, with autofocus! BUT, if you're into 3G and like sliders with cutesy flashy lights, then its the one for you!


gilliangel said...

*shock horror*

Ah well.Moving right along now...heh.

d3xlabs said...

Sometimes its better to look to what's ahead and not dwell too much on the past. ^_^